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This reflection comes 10 days after starting the FMP so not much physical work has been made. The premise of my FMP is quite broad so it took a while for me to focus my ideas into something I could communicate that people would want to engage in. I think love is a strong topic to stick with and I want to pursue it because it is attractive to everyone but I'm not a fan of mushiness so the challenge for me is to find a way to deconstruct it and make it enticing for me and interesting as a lot of love stuff is very over done. the first work I did was looking into the chemical reactions and formations that are released in love and putting that in a romantic sense but this didn't create anything communicative just aesthetically pleasing. Based on this contradiction between my interest and romance I am looking at and thinking of making deconstructed greetings cards. I think its the sarcasm in that that attracts me to the idea but I'm just worried of how relatable they will be because I've been researching the science of it for a while and most people don't have that background knowledge so I will have to get the feedback of my peers in order to test their success. I also have looked into synthetic forms of the chemical processes that occur when one is falling in love and in love and I want to create a love potion of sorts so my next step is to research pill packaging and how to make labels etc look authentic. another problem I have to overcome is the authenticity of the product. there is a large legal and ethical problem in creating a love potion before even getting to the chemistry as most components are found in things like anti depressants and psychedelic drugs which is pretty emotive in itself so to go forward I'm going to find a way to emulate a love potion poly through things like aphrodisiacs and relatable tastes and smells instead of hard psychoactive drugs. 

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