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I saw this john Walters exhibition as part of a new installation of artists at the Wellcome collection. His work was a large multimedia installation including film printing illustration and sculpture focusing on the changing attitudes towards HIV. Although it is not that closely connected to what I am trying to achieve, I still found it thoroughly enjoyable and inspiring to show something so taboo shown in such a fun perspective. in a way its like the opposite to my project as it is taking something medical and making it extravagant and expressive while I'm making my outcome very minimalist. the most interesting pieces for me were the mind map outside the exhibition showing the collaborations and thought process and the shelves of viruses that had been 3D printed in bright colours. The illustration in the top left also communicated to me the dangers related to dopamine which is an active hormone involved in falling in love which in a way validated the dark sense of humour I'm trying to create for my take on love. 


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