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As found in my original chemical research, all of the drugs released in love when they are synthetic are psychoactive or illegal so it raised a big ethical and legal issue as to recreating this. I decided instead to just make an imitation of medicines that already exist. the bottles I bought were all cough syrup and as my medicine for the bottle was supposed to be drunk this is what I tried to recreate. it was also important to me that what I made was cruelty free as there is no reason it should be otherwise so is started with a thin icing made from sugar and water and added spices and colour (top left). this first trial came out too thick so I repeated the process with more water and a dye that I had made myself. this was quite a learning curve for me as I royally fucked it up and almost set the house on fire. I couldn't get a strong enough colour using the fruit solution and in the bottom right photo you can see I had to filter out the fruit bits so I decided to use vegan food colouring which gave me more time freedom to play with colour and consistency. the liquid is translucent and for the cream I will mix moisturiser with red food colouring and see if this is preferred to just white moisturiser as I'm worried it could look quite chemically and uninviting. 

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