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The packaging is the part where the concept connects with graphic design and is probably the strongest form of visual communication besides the general layout. I have designed my project so that the closer you look, the more you will get out of it. The attention to detail is a new challenge for me as it hasn't been very present in my work previously. For this reason the front of the packaging is very minimal with just a logo, brand name and product name. I also chose for there to only be white and red because a lot of packaging colour schemes lend themselves to either the brand or the type of product. for example boots calming tea tree products are a pale green colour. as my brand has a distinct and restricted range, I didn't feel the need to add extra colour.As the front was very minimal I added pop to the sides by inverting my logo and using that pattern blown up. I tried to make it look as professional as possible in terms of actual information on the bottle/tubes. at this point I felt it was a bit empty ad I could add to the realism with information leaflets as they would change mood etc and even the simplest medicine has lots of information it needs to give. 


I was very happy with the outcome of the first trial. I liked the minimalism of the front but that the information was revealed on closer inspection. The only problems I encountered concerned the top not closing but I think this was because of the flaps on the net being slanted so I straightened them out. I found when I printed them in card which is what the final piece will be in that the lid stayed better anyway but I still changed it. Apart from that the only problems I had were typos which I then fixed. 

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