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Section 1


This foundation course has taught me that inspiration can come from everything and not just celebrated fine/ visual artists. It has also taught me that affective visual communication can be found along the whole creative process. With this I can create more holistic pieces that give a deeper understanding into my concept.


Section 2


I have always been interested in science and how the world works. The visual representation of these connections was first created by me and then I developed my enjoyment of presenting this in the extraordinary books task.I like watching ted talks on these connections and try to find a way to visually communicate this knowledge much in the way Paula Scher creates map paintings of what she deems to be information worth sharing. These paintings and talks also put a pleasing or romantic spin on what could be just harsh information and its this effective communication I want to investigate


Section 3 


My aim for the final major project is to investigate the mathematical and scientific reasons and patterns behind seemingly illogical human interactions or experiences. The thing that interests me the most is the science surrounding love but I’m sure In my research I will find other parts of human life that lend themselves to interesting formulae and patterns. A side aim that will come due to the nature of my project is making connections and finding ways to jump between written communication and visual communication as I have found that often though it is simplest to present written information this may not be the most effective.I am currently reading algorithms to live by as a form of research and there are a lot of useful sources for information online such as ted talks and articles mainly by university lecturers. As my topic is related closely to medicine and psychology, I would like to look into the materials and processes used to promote information and products in these areas e.g. medical adverts, pill bottles etc. while all of these methods are good for collecting information necessary to research my fmp, in terms of visual communication research I try to visit as many museums and galleries as possible, so far I have been to the science and design museums recently but I will also visit the welcome collection as new exhibitions are appearing soon which will be relevant to my project and the welcome collection has a huge library that connects medicine with art and sociology. A big target of mine is to make information accessible and interesting to everyone so I will start off by combining diagrams with photos and font for a more info graphical approach.


Section 4 


In preparing for part 3 I found that a blog is my most useful form of reflection to help myself make decisions as its a very clear documentation of decisions. Due to the content of my FMP, I will find it useful to interview friends and family so I can be sure my work is communicating effectively. 

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