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While I loved the way the design museum looks like something out of the hunger games, many of the designs displayed are product or interior the most useful thing I found in the whole museum wasn't even a whole display but a single sheet in a cabinet showcasing the journey of the guardian. This struck a chord with me because I have one of these posters hung up in my house. The thing that really draws me to infographics id their ability to make the mundane fascinating. would I normally give a shit about the governments annual spending? No, I don't pay taxes and voting as a young person is seemingly futile. and yet with the brightly coloured boxes and easy disowns, suddenly I am drawn to the comparison between the spending on education and the military. Another one of my favourite things about infographics is that they're just as simple whether they're for adults or children, puling on the theme of play and fun and making it acceptable for adults to engage in that. While they are probably most useful when portraying things like the national budget or the stock market, they don't have to be useful at all. the bottom infographic is designed for children but when compared to the other two you can hardly tell and thats why its probably my favourite, its silly and unnecessary but its still interesting and encourages thought and conversation. The is the one I would share with my friends. To be honest the one about design is pretty dissapoitning for me. its about design and yet is the least accessible or fun and relies more on words and numbers than the other two (with the top one the numbers and letters are labels but the relationships between everything on the page still makes sense without them). I think infographics don't represent anything that innovative in their concept, at the end of the day they're posters. Its the information/ colour/ layout that bring it forwarded still make seasoned graphic designers lean in and want to know more. its this fine tuned use of basic but effective concepts I want to explore moving into my FMP.

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