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This exhibition wouldnt hav been my first choice as a place to find inspiration, it was a friend that brought me a long but it completely changed my perspective on Gursky's work. Before I went I only saw his work as wide shots of landscapes or human environments but learning the thought process behind his creations brought a whole new layer to it and this is what I will use in my work in order to bring people through my creative process. the top photo here was my favourite of the exhibition. this reads to me as a complete fuck you to art and the whole idea of paying to view art. The images of the airings 'belong' to the artist who created them only now I have paid to see a photo of them so the money goes to Gursky and not the original artist who isn't even credited. the whole notion for me is complete.y bizarre and hilarious especially when I saw people taking photos of this photo. the second photo was in the same room as the first and is a photo of a carpet. the reason I found this interesting is because it looked like a piece of carpet hanging on the wall and its rare that photographers perfectly recreate what the are capturing. if you see a photo of a person or a landscape you can tell its not real but this had me staring at it for a long time. the point of this photo from Gursky's perspective was to abstract the everyday and make it unrecognisable. I didn't see it like this at all thought this was glorifying something that was usually over looked and making the mundane into the celebrated. The bottom photo is my least favourite piece from the exhibition. I think a really special thing about Gurksy's work is the perpendicular view he has of the subject and the wide angled shots. this gives him an outside and removed perspective on the image which leads to objectivity an allows the viewer to pass their judgement. I don't think this image achieves this at all. as I'm quite blind I just coudknt relate to the photo as the text on the page was out of focus and I couldn't read it. I ended up enjoying the exhibition much more than I thought I would and I think the thing I have most gained from it is giving the viewer the space to draw their own conclusions from photos. you don't always have to give up the whole story in order for a photo to be successful.

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