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I feel like its the simplest form of figurative representation and the go to for layout design. I'm not particularly skilled at it so I tend to shy away from it. I also find it quite relaxing in a life drawing or sketching context but it can get very frustrating very quickly. 


Im a big fan of this as a from of visual communication because it has a narrative to it but is very free in terms of personal style. The most successful animations to me are colourful and bright as think I still associate it with cartoons subconsciously. In terms of making them they can be very time consuming to make so it makes you think about what you're going to put In so the effort isn't wasted.


Language is not something I have put much thought into because I only really speaking language. when I go to Israel I think about it a lot more because the alphabet is different and I've enrt a lot about the structure of words and how the language was built.also how the emphasis of vowels fifers across the world. I feel lke language is the most useful tool for empathy as it really bridges the gap in undeertsnsing. many people can't read or write but they can speak and I think its possibly the strongest way to connect to people. 


When I started foundation I really struggled with group work and I still do a bit. everyone has the same interest but as most ideas are shared by ealing its hard for everyone to share your vision. another down side is all group projects I've dine have been only one or two days so I don't think this lends itself to the most positive experience. My opinion of them has become more positive as I've got to know people better and we ca communicate well. I think I would enjoy them more if given more time. 


3D isn't something I often think of when someone says graphic design. I think it usually comes into a piece or campaign after a lot of original and contextual development. Because of this it usually quite affective because its very relevant to the piece otherwise someone wouldn't go to it. As its not a process In itself it lends itself really interesting processes 


For me research is the most interesting part. its where I learn new things and come up with new ideas.  do most of my directed research on the internet through articles and videos. I tend to go to a lot of galleries anyway so this all accumulates to inspire ideas but isn't sought out for a purpose of researching. Often we were told create drawings alongside our sketches but I see research as a moe informational thing so I find it more useful to jut make notes. as the thing I'm most inspired by is information over image I find it harder to make this connect to a visual outcome so while the research is enjoyable I need to make it more relevant to projects. 

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