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Which projects have I enjoyed and why?

I really enjoyed the extraordinary books because the subject matter was completely up to us and it made me think differently about familiar object forms.

Which projects I have loathed and why?

I didn't like the type project much I think the arbitrary need fro 50 type compositions was annoying and not creative. 

Is it more important to me that my work is entertaining, informative, shocking or beautiful? 

entertaining and shocking are very closely linked so I would say they are of equal importance. I like for things to be informative in my work as its then more interesting to me and hopefully the viewer.

How has my approach to working on a brief changed in part 2?

The time pressure has effected a lot of the way I think about making ideas and forming outcomes. the variation of outcomes has also been useful for changing my perceptions on what I can achieve. 

How do I get started when presented with a brief?

My first sport of call is the internet usually articles or videos on the context more than artists. I think I could put more effort into drawing visual elements I find interesting and work on combining them. 

What are maybes way to develop initial ideas?

I try to use the contextual research to make any ideas that I have relevant and interesting. The development also is largely based on the type of project

What are my particular skills and what would be useful to learn?

My skill is my analytical thinking and my ability to look at things differently and make connections. I have started using this as a way to create design once I was made aware it was particular to me. I think it would be useful for me to look at things in a more artistic light and be able to document the artistic process more. 

How much use do I make of the research I do?
I think research is the most important part for getting the ball rolling even if its just to spark inspiration. technically everything we do can be classed as research as our surroundings collaborate to spark design. 

Do I find contextual research useful?

I find it the most useful as I find it the most interesting and that helps me care more about the brief.

Do I find contextual research useful?

I find it the most useful as I find it the most interesting and that helps me care more about the brief.

What are the most successful ways of visualising my ideas?

I find writing and then making a lot more useful than planning through drawing as I'm not very good at drawing so I'd rather just create the development. 

Which parts of my design process would benefit from greater attention?
My attention to detail when it comes to dimensions and perfecting a process can definitely be improved. 

Who do I go to for feedback and how does this affect my project?

I go to my friends first and then my tutors. going to friends is useful for ideas to carry on and going to tutors is useful for knowing what works and what doesn't although that is also subjective at times.

What would you like to achieve in the course of your FMP? 

I would like to find a way to engage other people in what I find interesting and be able to give more attention to detail in my processes.

Where will you go from here? 

I have a lot of time to spend on finding something I find really interesting and research it properly.

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