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The science side of love I am focusing on and the research I have done around drugs lends itself nicely to the production and packaging of drugs. unfortunately all of the drugs related to those released when in love are anti depressants or recreational and therefore I can't make or acquire them. instead of creating the drug, I decided to focus on the packaging and presentation inspired by the artists on the previous page. I then started thinking about how greetings cards and medicine could fit together and I came up with the idea of creating a pharmacy brand like boots or Superdrug. 

The most interesting part of my valentines cards was the scientific and cynical take on romance and its this concept that I want to bring forward when creating pieces for my pharmacy. people don't like the idea that love isn't unique to them and can be packaged and sold. some of this capitalist view was inspired by Cullens work. I also liked the way they look cute and romantic from a distance but the message changes as you get closer. I think this will be easy to replicate successfully on medicine packaging as the colours on a shelf jump out at you before the words or descriptions of a product. 

My plan was to make pills cream and liquid as these are the things most often associated with medicine. I started off looking into printing onto pre existing pill packets with foil blister packs but as it wouldn't be a flat surface this wouldn't be possible I screen printed my design onto foil and vacuum formed around pills in order to create dishes they could lie in. I wanted to make the own names of my drugs and sell them as individual products that could be used together like dermologica or proactiv. In order to create the name I took the drug and the feeling associated with it (e.g. oxytocin and intimacy) then I found drugs that cause oxytocin to be released and translations in different languages of the feelings and used all of these words to play with and create my own name. in order to be sure of the success I spoke to my dad who is a doctor about how the names of drugs are made and he said they need to be easy to pronounce and recognisable. I then asked people not as close to my project (friends ho don't do graphics) to find which one was easiest for them to pronounce and what they were drawn t and I used all this information to create the name. I have used this technique of asking other people to choose because I have done a lot of research for this project so my understanding is deeper than those not invloled and as I want it to be an accessible product, I need other people to understand it. 

In terms of creating a range for a pharmacy, I think three types of medicine and greetings cards aren't enough and the greetings cards could look a little disconnected so I'm now looking into other products sold in pharmacy that I can relate to love. My first thought here is makeup as this is very directly related to physical attraction and I assume there is scientific reserachand reasoning behind why appearance is attractive and how makeup comes into that. the challenge here will be making it clinical and purely scientific as makeup nowadays is a creative outlet and even a form of art so I need to see if I can change this and the piece will still be effective. 

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